Monday, April 21, 2014

FlipBoard in Education

I'm experimenting with a clever app, FlipBoard.

It is basically a way to easily create a magazine of content. It is snazzy, and easy to use on an iPhone or tablet, though magazines can also be viewed on the web.

I've found it to be a wonderful way to curate web-based articles and images. I could see the app being used as textbook replacement or even better, a student-authored text supplement.

Here is a video explaining how the app works:

And here are a couple screen shots of a sample magazine I started creating while preparing for a class session focused on Mozart:

It's an easy way to add interesting pictures or articles that you may not have time to discuss in depth in class, but provide complementary material.

It is easy to add contributors, and so students could also add relevant material to the class magazine. Some college courses have certain aspects of the class that are student led- for example in our course "Creating the Critical Listener," there is a standard body of works that is covered each semester, but as the course progresses, the students are encouraged to bring in their own musical selections for the class to analyze.  That material then becomes fair game for exams, etc.  Therefore, the course content changes each semester based on what music students bring into the classroom.

Flipboard would be a wonderful way to create a "text" for this aspect of the course, and would allow students have ownership in the course content. I could envision other students jumping on board and collaborating, posting links to additional material and engaging even outside the classroom.

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